Readable grammar 101 – writing in the second person

What does it mean to write in the second person? What effect can it have on your writing? We'll help you use it to your advantage.

30 January 2020 by Laura Kelly

Readability is a key skill of the best-selling author. How do they do it?

We analyzed some of Goodreads' most popular fiction picks for readability. We got some pretty interesting readability results. But what makes popular fiction so highly readable? 

23 January 2020 by Laura Kelly
Technical writing blog header - technical drawing with measuring instruments | Readable, free readability test

Readability for technical writers

Readability metrics are an invaluable tool for technical writers. How can you apply these Plain English rules to write clear and concise technical material?

16 January 2020 by Laura Kelly

5 content writing New Year’s Resolutions you should make

It’s the start of a new decade. What resolutions can you make for your writing that will empower you to create quality content that performs for your brand?

9 January 2020 by Laura Kelly

A year at Readable — Laura’s 2019 recap 

This year has flown by and it's hard to believe it's nearly over. Laura sums up her first year at Readable and what we've been up to in 2019.

18 December 2019 by Laura Kelly

Boris Johnson wins ‘foot in mouth’ of the year and other Plain English award highlights

Plain English Campaign have partnered up with for the Plain English Awards 2019. What was the best and worst of readability this year?

11 December 2019 by Laura Kelly

5 Shakespearean words we should use more often

You might be surprised about how many everyday words and phrases come from Shakespeare. But what about the less common words?

3 December 2019 by Laura Kelly

How to write a thank-you note

We might think we know how to give thanks. But, in this festive season, it’s important to brush up on our skills to show appreciation for the people in our lives. Here are some musts in a thank-you letter.

27 November 2019 by Laura Kelly

How to explain the importance of readability to your team

You want to spread awareness about plain language and its clear benefits. How can you persuade your team that clarity is the way forward? 

21 November 2019 by Laura Kelly

5 grammar “rules” which aren’t real

Many well-known grammar rules stem from outdated advice. What are some of these unreasonable guidelines and why are they no longer necessary? 

7 November 2019 by Laura Kelly

Are you scaring the general public away with poor reach?

This spooky season, we’re loving scary stories, but not scary copy. How can you check yours with Readable’s new ‘Reach’ feature to ensure your audience doesn’t close the door on you? 

30 October 2019 by Laura Kelly
Girl holding notebook looking at notes | Readable, free readability test

Examples of wordy sentences – and how to correct wordiness

What does it mean for a sentence to be 'too wordy'? How can you edit sentences to decrease wordiness and improve readability?

24 October 2019 by Laura Kelly