Reading nook

Blurring the lines: what is Literary Nonfiction?

Nonfiction. The very term conjures images. Dry facts, historical accounts, and scientific reports. But what if the lines between fact and storytelling are blurred? A captivating genre that reads more like a novel than a textbook? Enter literary nonfiction. A compelling world where truth meets artistry, and the real becomes riveting. What is literary nonfiction? […]

15 July 2024 by Laura Kelly

English Grammar Day 2024

Are you as passionate about the English language as we are? An event dedicated to it took place last week. Friday, June 28, 2024, marked English Grammar Day. It was held at the prestigious British Library in London.  This event wasn’t just about comma placement and verb conjugation drills. It was a vibrant exploration of […]

3 July 2024 by Laura Kelly
The word 'like' spelled out in cubes, Readable blog

“Like” why do we say it so much?

"Like" is a champion among filler words. We look at why we use filler words and what they tell us about human nature.

27 June 2024 by Laura Kelly

The best book-to-film adaptations

The age-old debate: book versus film. Some argue that a film can only partially capture the depth and nuance of a novel. Others find on-screen adaptations a delightful way to relive their favourite stories. We’re bookworms here. And there’s nothing quite like that feeling of stepping out of the cinema utterly satisfied. This comes from […]

13 June 2024 by Laura Kelly
Language App on a smartphone, Readable

Is there an optimal window for language acquisition?

Language is a fundamental human ability. One that allows us to connect, share ideas, and shape our views. But how do we acquire this complex skill?

30 May 2024 by Laura Kelly
Professional Writing, Laptop image with multiple users gathered round

Navigating professionalism in language: a guide

We explore key aspects of professionalism in language and look at the essentials to help your workplace communication. Read more

14 May 2024 by Laura Kelly

Exploring the merits of lengthy celebrity memoirs

Barbra Streisand's memoir, My Name is Barbra became newsworthy for its length. We look at how Streisand's tome compares to other celebrity memoirs. And the merits of such extensive works.

30 April 2024 by Laura Kelly
Lego heads showing different emotions, emotive language, readability blog

How to use emotive language

Emotive language goes beyond simply stating facts. It taps into our emotional reserves. Specific words and techniques trigger joy, sadness, anger, and fear.

16 April 2024 by Laura Kelly
European Flag, Euro English, Language Changes

The unofficial English of Europe: what is ‘Euro English’?

English continues to thrive as the unofficial language of Europe. It's evolving into its unique form: Euro English. Euro English is a dynamic lingua franca. It constantly adapts to the needs of its speakers.

29 March 2024 by Dave Child

The fall of the semicolon: punctuation evolving

The semicolon – an enigmatic punctuation mark. It has long been a source of controversy. Researchers report a 25% decline in its use in British fiction over the past 30 years.

14 March 2024 by Dave Child

Morphemes: the invisible building blocks of pop-cultural language

Ever wondered how a single word like "un-friend-able" can pack such a punch? Or how "OMG" can express a whole rollercoaster of emotions?  The answer lies in the magical world of morphemes, the smallest units of meaning in a language.

15 February 2024 by Laura Kelly

The global efforts to preserve endangered languages

Recent findings are sobering: we are losing languages. We are losing linguistic diversity. Unless we take decisive action, these windows into history will close.

29 January 2024 by Aimee Fleming