Joining the team

I’ve always felt a sense of renewal as a new year approaches. This year, I’m excited to say I start my new role as customer success champion for Readable.

5 December 2018 by Laura Kelly

British Forces think acronyms are FUBAR

The British Forces are going to war with acronyms. The defense minister, Stuart Andrew, has banned the use of acronyms and abbreviations in his office. Smart move, or will it all go FUBAR?

25 October 2018 by Steve Linney

A step by step guide to improving readability

Readability is a cornerstone of content marketing, which helps readers understand the message that is being told to them.

24 October 2018 by Steve Linney

SaaStock18: a wealth of learning and good craic

We joined 3,000 SaaS startups at SaaStock18, in Dublin last week, to share knowledge, be inspired and be motivated. It’s fair to say, we were not disappointed and arrived back home in Brighton with a tonne of great ideas. Along with a hangover or two…

24 October 2018 by Steve Linney
Group of people

5 tips for writing a readable resume

The job search is on. How can you make your resume stand out with great readability?

3 October 2018 by Dave Child

Behind the scenes: Why we do what we do

Your work is a huge part of your life. To truly achieve the best you can, you need to enjoy what you are doing. At, we are fortunate to love what we do.

3 October 2018 by Steve Linney

Music to write to

Creating content while listening to music goes hand in hand. We’ve pulled together an eclectic playlist of chilled out music, with laid back beats, that help our creative process. Hopefully, it will help you too.

3 October 2018 by Steve Linney

NHS doctors told to use ‘plain English’

Doctors are being told to adopt readability practices and write letters to patients that they can understand.

4 September 2018 by Steve Linney

10 content marketing hacks every business needs to know

Every brand needs to be trusted and content marketing is the way to do it. When executed well, it will give your brand a personality that customers want to engage with. When content misses the mark, you’ll waste time, money and opportunities for growth.

31 August 2018 by Steve Linney

How to use readability as a social media tool

Social media and readability go hand in hand. Short, clear messages are the key to both. But, that’s not always easy to do. Follow our how-to guide and you’ll soon be writing killer social posts.

31 August 2018 by Steve Linney

How to swear like the old days

Modern English lets us down when it comes to swearing. What words from old English can bring back the shock factor?

31 August 2018 by Steve Linney

Making sense of grammar – when nouns and verbs look alike

English has such odd little quirks tucked away in random spots. For native speakers, it comes as second nature to speak and write in certain ways. But, when you stop to really think about what you just said or wrote, it makes no sense. Why are certain things are said or written in that way?

2 August 2018 by Dave Child