Watch your tone – how to write content that connects

We all know the phrase: “It’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it.” How can you connect to your reader on a personal level?

5 August 2019 by Laura Kelly

6 things I’ve learned from 6 months in customer success

It’s hard to believe I’ve already been a Customer Success Champion at Readable for half a year. What have I learned so far from managing customer success for a SaaS?

26 July 2019 by Laura Kelly

This is what happens when your brain recognizes fantastic readability

Readability has become widely recognized as an SEO-approved tool. But, what about the audience who drive this optimization for Google, and why does the brain love a readable sentence?

17 June 2019 by Laura Kelly

Privacy policies are a disaster

We’ve long championed clear communication throughout content and privacy policies are no different. The New York Times took a look at 150 policies, most were an incomprehensible disaster.

14 June 2019 by Steve Linney

What’s new in May 2019?

See what the Readable team has been up to in May 2019.

12 June 2019 by Dave Child

Are you using the active voice in your content?

What is the active voice, and how can Readable’s passive voice detector help you maintain it?

31 May 2019 by Laura Kelly

The Lensear Write readability formula

The Lensear Write readability formula is suited to creative writing and internal comms. Find out how it's calculated and how you can use it.

3 May 2019 by Laura Kelly

What’s new in April 2019?

See what the Readable team has been up to in April 2019.

1 May 2019 by Dave Child

Readability at the UN: why is speech clarity important?

Readability is of great importance when writing speeches and communicating with others. How are the principles of readability used at the UN?

23 April 2019 by Laura Kelly

The Lix and Rix readability formulas

Lix and Rix are readability formulas which evaluate non-English languages. Find out how this international solution works and how you can best use it.

14 April 2019 by Laura Kelly

Why is newspaper readability important?

Newspapers remain a cornerstone of journalism. They’re still read by many, especially online. But, which news outlets are writing the most readable online content, and why is it important that they do?

9 April 2019 by Laura Kelly

The Fry readability graph

The Fry formula is one of several developed in the 1960s for speed and efficiency. Find out how this graph can help you improve your readability.

8 April 2019 by Laura Kelly