What is the best sentence length for SEO?

Why is sentence length so important for readability and SEO? How can you write the best and most effective sentences to keep searchers reading? 

28 February 2020 by Laura Kelly

Readability is a key skill of the best-selling author. How do they do it?

We analyzed some of Goodreads' most popular fiction picks for readability. We got some pretty interesting readability results. But what makes popular fiction so highly readable? 

23 January 2020 by Laura Kelly

5 content writing New Year’s Resolutions you should make

It’s the start of a new decade. What resolutions can you make for your writing that will empower you to create quality content that performs for your brand?

9 January 2020 by Laura Kelly

How to explain the importance of readability to your team

You want to spread awareness about plain language and its clear benefits. How can you persuade your team that clarity is the way forward? 

21 November 2019 by Laura Kelly

Are you scaring the general public away with poor reach?

This spooky season, we’re loving scary stories, but not scary copy. How can you check yours with Readable’s new ‘Reach’ feature to ensure your audience doesn’t close the door on you? 

30 October 2019 by Laura Kelly

What are Laura’s key SEO takeaways from BrightonSEO 2019?

This year was my first BrightonSEO - and, I hope, the first of many. It’s amazing that a conference that originated in a room above a pub in our hometown of Brighton has come such a long way and now welcomes SEOs from all over the world. Here are the key takeaways that have inspired Readable.

18 September 2019 by Laura Kelly

UX and readability: a readable rebuttal

If you read a UX Matters blog post about readability, you might have some questions about its value in UX. We’re here to address them.

10 September 2019 by Laura Kelly

What is NLG and how will it impact the future of search and content marketing?

You may have heard of natural language generation - NLG - and if not, you’ve certainly heard of Alexa or Siri. What is NLG, and how can you ensure your content succeeds in the future of search engines? 

4 September 2019 by Laura Kelly

6 things I’ve learned from 6 months in customer success

It’s hard to believe I’ve already been a Customer Success Champion at Readable for half a year. What have I learned so far from managing customer success for a SaaS?

26 July 2019 by Laura Kelly

This is what happens when your brain recognizes fantastic readability

Readability has become widely recognized as an SEO-approved tool. But, what about the audience who drive this optimization for Google, and why does the brain love a readable sentence?

17 June 2019 by Laura Kelly

What can content writers learn from novelists?

Content writing and marketing is an art just like any other. If you write badly, you can sacrifice reader engagement and valuable leads. But, what lessons can you learn from novelists and apply to your content?

29 March 2019 by Laura Kelly

Boost your email ROI by improving your readability

If your campaigns aren’t paying off, it’s time to take a look at your email’s readability.

24 January 2019 by Steve Linney