Readability Handbook: Measure a file

Scoring your content

Measure a file's readability

You can score any file for readability - including PDF, Word Doc and CSV.

  • Select ‘score text files’ from the readability tools option in the menu
  • Press ‘Choose files’ to locate the file(s) on your computer
  • Now decide whether you want to extract text or not. We recommend this is set to yes
  • Select ‘score file’
  • Below this button, we’ve added the approximate time it will take to score your file(s)
  • The content of each file will load up in a table. Successfully scored files will be marked as ‘complete’. If this isn’t displayed for your file, please try again. If you continue to have problems, let us know
  • You can now edit your text
  • If you would like to download the results of your file scoring, go back to the main file tool. Select the ‘download results’ button and a CSV will be generated for you

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