Joe Biden’s inauguration speech: full transcript and analysis

In January 2021, Joe Biden officially became the 46th president of the United States. We will do a full readability analysis of his inaugural speech.

22 January 2021 by Laura Kelly

Historical quotes on readability

The concept of plain language is centuries old. We’ll highlight some great quotes about readability throughout history and what they can teach us.

7 January 2021 by Laura Kelly

Forgotten festive English words we need to use this season

As a gift to our fellow word nerds, we’ve compiled some amazing and little-known festive English words. 

16 December 2020 by Laura Kelly

How to use buzzword and cliché detection to craft impactful content

There is a fine line between using industry jargon and falling into the trap of buzzwords and clichés. Here’s how to be more mindful of them to improve your writing. 

4 December 2020 by Laura Kelly

A transcript analysis of Joe Biden’s powerful victory speech

Readability is key in political language. Readable will analyse how Joe Biden uses plain language to reach a vast and divided nation. 

9 November 2020 by Laura Kelly
Text 'write without fear, edit without mercy' | Readable, free readability test for editing and proofreading

Strategies for effective editing

Editing your writing is something you need to do strategically to be successful. Here are some pointers to help you edit with purpose and confidence. 

21 October 2020 by Laura Kelly

Natasha will help you make your content succeed

Natasha shares her thoughts on joining the Readable team and the importance of clear communication. 

8 October 2020 by Natasha Horrelt

Readable grammar 101: semicolons

The semicolon is a commonly misunderstood punctuation mark. Find out its purpose, appropriateness and how to best use it.  

8 September 2020 by Laura Kelly

What is the average person’s reading level?

What is the average person's reading level and how can you write for it?

21 August 2020 by Laura Kelly

Does UK COVID-19 advice contain too much jargon?

Ciara Lawrence speaks to BBC News about lack of clarity in the UK government's COVID-19 messaging and what it means for people with learning disabilities.

13 July 2020 by Laura Kelly

How much is your time worth? Readability and money

Readability has been shown to save companies time and money. Learn more about using readability as a style guideline and examples of successes.

1 July 2020 by Laura Kelly

What are glue words and how do they affect readability?

Glue words can often dampen your efforts to shorten your sentences for readability. What are glue words and how can you remove them to sharpen your content? 

4 June 2020 by Laura Kelly