Readable grammar 101: That VS Which
Confusing the words ‘that’ and ‘which’ is a common grammar mistake. This is because they can both be used as relative pronouns. Find out how to use both.
New entries in the OED: March 2020
What are the latest entries to the OED in March 2020, and what do they mean? How do words get into the OED?
Readability and Coronavirus: scoring top-ranked advice
We've scored the top-ranking results on Google for a Coronavirus-related search. Find out why readability and health literacy are important to the public.
What is the best sentence length for SEO?
Why is sentence length so important for readability and SEO? How can you write the best and most effective sentences to keep searchers reading?
Readable grammar 101: A valentine edition
Where does the apostrophe go, anyway? Does bad grammar make for unsuccessful dating? Why February 14th? And more from us to you this Valentine’s Day...
Brexit. Clear as mud? Insight Agents investigate
Insight Agents wanted to find out how readable Brexit documents were. They used Readable for their surprising findings. What does their analysis tell us?
Readable grammar 101 – writing in the second person
What does it mean to write in the second person? What effect can it have on your writing? We'll help you use it to your advantage.
Readability is a key skill of the best-selling author. How do they do it?
We analyzed some of Goodreads' most popular fiction picks for readability. We got some pretty interesting readability results. But what makes popular fiction so highly readable?
Readability for technical writers
Readability metrics are an invaluable tool for technical writers. How can you apply these Plain English rules to write clear and concise technical material?
5 content writing New Year’s Resolutions you should make
It’s the start of a new decade. What resolutions can you make for your writing that will empower you to create quality content that performs for your brand?
A year at Readable — Laura’s 2019 recap
This year has flown by and it's hard to believe it's nearly over. Laura sums up her first year at Readable and what we've been up to in 2019.
Boris Johnson wins ‘foot in mouth’ of the year and other Plain English award highlights
Plain English Campaign have partnered up with for the Plain English Awards 2019. What was the best and worst of readability this year?