Why video’s dominance in content strategy makes you MORE essential as a writer

Videos and articles work symbiotically in content strategy. It makes you more essential as a writer, not less.

17 February 2025 by Laura Kelly

Will ChatGPT replace writers?

ChatGPT stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It’s a chatbot capable of a huge variety of writing. We look at the impact on writers.

14 February 2023 by Dave Child

What is E-A-T and why is it important for SEO?

Improving E-A-T increases traffic. It also futureproofs websites for further Google Quality updates. What is your E-A-T and how can you use it for SEO?

8 November 2022 by Laura Kelly

Why is writing the most important marketing skill?

In an ever-changing marketing landscape, one thing remains a constant reality. Words sell. Here's why writing is the most important marketing skill.

29 September 2022 by Laura Kelly

Google announces Helpful Content update

Google is always making human-centred updates to ensure helpful content for the searcher. Find out what the latest update means for creators in all areas.

22 September 2022 by Laura Kelly

2022 content marketing conference reveals most-hated jargon

Using too much insider terminology can make your content inaccessible and unhelpful to your target market. Which should you avoid?

12 August 2022 by Laura Kelly

Genuine VS toxic positivity in language: communicating with empathy 

Can positivity be toxic? We’ll investigate the concept of toxic positivity. From this, we'll learn how we can communicate authentically. 

4 March 2022 by Laura Kelly

Coronavirus coverage – pandemic best practices for style

AP - the Associated Press - updated their style guide to include coronavirus guidelines. Here’s what we can take from their updates to apply to our own writing. 

5 November 2021 by Laura Kelly

Readability in design: principles of usability

Website accessibility is all about making websites available to everyone. As well as content readability, accessibility is boosted by usability and visual readability. We’ll cover what this means for your website and an example of usability principles in action. 

23 July 2021 by Laura Kelly

The art of the carousel – Instagram readability in action

Readable social media means better engagement. We’ll explore how Instagram’s carousel feature is used as a slideshow to break down complex information. 

17 March 2021 by Laura Kelly

How to use buzzword and cliché detection to craft impactful content

There is a fine line between using industry jargon and falling into the trap of buzzwords and clichés. Here’s how to be more mindful of them to improve your writing. 

4 December 2020 by Laura Kelly

Do spelling and grammar affect SEO?

We talk a lot about how good readability affects SEO, but it’s also important to note spelling and grammar. You may underestimate how much they could affect rankings. Let’s explore why you should always do a check. 

15 May 2020 by Laura Kelly