Improve the readability of your writing in 60 seconds
Your success as a writer hinges upon your commitment to constantly improving the readability of your copy. Failure to make readability a priority can lead readers to abandon your copy at first sight.
The five lost letters of the English language
Most of us know the English alphabet backwards and forwards. We learned our letters as children and we forever have the ear-worm of the alphabet song stuck in our heads, but did you know that there were actually a few letters that didn’t quite make the cut for our modern alphabet? After Christianity took over […]
Mistakes were made: understanding passive voice
Listen to someone trying to explain a high-profile error, and you’ll probably hear them say something like “Mistakes were made in carrying out the plan” or “The wrong envelope was given to the presenter.”
We support read aloud
Reading aloud to children is strongly correlated with better education outcomes – or, to put it another way, the kids that top the class are far more likely to have been read aloud to by their parents.