Readable can analyse anything - a Word document or PDF, a web page, or an entire website. You can even send us text through our API.
Dive in to your readability scores, spelling and grammar checking, style issues, clichés, profanity, to see where your content needs work.
Edit your text, and watch your scores improve in real time as you do. Roll out your new and improved text, and reap the rewards.
3,000+ authors, marketers, and educators trust us to deliver accurate readability analysis.
Readable doesn't just tell you your readability scores and leave you to it. It also highlights the parts of your text in the greatest need of attention. That helps you focus your valuable time on the edits that matter.
Readable is unmatched when it comes to algorithms, offering not just Flesch-Kincaid and SMOG scoring, but every notable readability algorithm used today.
Our scores are backed up by established readability algorithms and verified by over 10,000 automated tests and hand-calculated scores. You can be confident in your results.
We're here to help if you need us, with an extensive knowledgebase as well as in-app and email support.
Readable can score every document format in use today, including Word, PDF, ODF, and Markdown, as well as spreadsheets, URLs, email, and even entire websites.
We take data security and privacy seriously, and we're always working to ensure your data remains accessible only to you. For those who need more, we offer additional options to control data retention.
If you work in web marketing, you know that success is down to a dazzling array of factors. But Content Is King. And Readable can make sure that, whatever the search algorithms do tomorrow, no hard-won reader is turned away by impenetrable text.
Every author is different, with their own way of working. Readable gets out of your way, offering you as much support as you need, when you want it.
Readable was born out of a need for software to analyse reading materials for students, and it is still used for that today. Whether you're looking to give students feedback on their work, or to see if a particular piece is suitable for a particular audience, Readable can help.
For insurance companies, great readability of contracts and other written materials is more than just a nice feature, it's often (depending on where you are) a legal requirement.
It's critical for any medical company to ensure all of their written materials avoid jargon or complex language, especially when it comes to leaflets and instructions distributed with medical products.
National and local governments produce a huge amount of content for a vast audience with a broad spectrum of reading ability, and Readable can help ensure that all of that content is as accessible to that audience as possible.
I use Readable to match my copy with my audience's reading level. It's one of my top conversion optimization tools!
Anna Bolton
Fact: good readability is good for everyone. What Readable does is make it measurable. It makes readability tangible and gives the entire organisation something they can gather around.
Candi Williams
My clients support vulnerable people; plain language is essential when writing for these audiences. Readable makes it easy to show clients when their copy isn’t using plain language.
Heather Badenoch
Improve your document readability and connect with your readers.
ContentPro helps you to produce clear, compelling content, helping you to engage with your audience.
Improve your website readability and lift conversions.
CommercePro is a suite of tools with a unique algorithm. The results give you actionable steps to optimise your website for readability.
Integrate readability into your workflow and increase efficiency.
The ReadableAPI available with AgencyPro easily integrates into your website, CMS, product or service. Bring quality readability scores into your business.
Readability is a measure of how easy a piece of text is to read. Read more about readability.
A readability score can tell you the level of education someone needs to easily read a piece of text. The score identifies a Grade Level relative to the number of years of education a person has. Read more about readability scores.
A Grade Level of 8 or lower is good for text aimed at the public. 85% of the public will be able to read and understand your content at Grade Level 8. Read more about readability scores.
At the moment, Readable supports English, localised to the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland. We're working on supporting more languages in the future.
Readable scores content with 17 different readability algorithms. You can find a comprehensive list of them, along with what they are used for, on our readability formulas page.
Dungeons & Dragons is a rich world of storytelling and creativity. For aspiring authors it offers a great opportunity to hone their craft.
Google’s John Mueller recently clarified that two things often linked with website quality are not ranking factors. This raises questions about what truly matters for SEO. Valid HTML and typos are low bars for ranking factors Mueller’s LinkedIn post addressed a common misconception. That valid HTML code (code that follows web standards) guarantees better ranking. […]
Fan fiction has long been a creative outlet for fans to explore their favorite characters and worlds in new ways. But what happens when fan fiction becomes popular? So compelling, that it transcends its humble origins and becomes a mainstream bestseller? The fanfic-to-published-work phenomenon The journey from fan fiction to published novel is a rare […]
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