Readable grammar 101: semicolons

The semicolon is a commonly misunderstood punctuation mark. Find out its purpose, appropriateness and how to best use it.  

8 September 2020 by Laura Kelly

What is the average person’s reading level?

What is the average person's reading level and how can you write for it?

21 August 2020 by Laura Kelly

Does UK COVID-19 advice contain too much jargon?

Ciara Lawrence speaks to BBC News about lack of clarity in the UK government's COVID-19 messaging and what it means for people with learning disabilities.

13 July 2020 by Laura Kelly

How much is your time worth? Readability and money

Readability has been shown to save companies time and money. Learn more about using readability as a style guideline and examples of successes.

1 July 2020 by Laura Kelly

What are glue words and how do they affect readability?

Glue words can often dampen your efforts to shorten your sentences for readability. What are glue words and how can you remove them to sharpen your content? 

4 June 2020 by Laura Kelly

Study shows the accessibility of top websites needs work. How can we combat digital discrimination?

Today is #GAAD2020 - Global Accessibility Awareness Day. We’re focusing on how readability is essential in creating an inclusive digital landscape. 

21 May 2020 by Laura Kelly

Do spelling and grammar affect SEO?

We talk a lot about how good readability affects SEO, but it’s also important to note spelling and grammar. You may underestimate how much they could affect rankings. Let’s explore why you should always do a check. 

15 May 2020 by Laura Kelly
letter writing set on table with coffee | Readable, free readability test

This is what an excellent cover letter looks like

Cover letters which are readable and concise stand out. We’ll go through some of the major features of a cover letter that will impress. 

28 April 2020 by Laura Kelly

Readable grammar 101: That VS Which

Confusing the words ‘that’ and ‘which’ is a common grammar mistake. This is because they can both be used as relative pronouns. Find out how to use both.

2 April 2020 by Laura Kelly

New entries in the OED: March 2020

What are the latest entries to the OED in March 2020, and what do they mean? How do words get into the OED? 

26 March 2020 by Laura Kelly

Readability and Coronavirus: scoring top-ranked advice

We've scored the top-ranking results on Google for a Coronavirus-related search. Find out why readability and health literacy are important to the public.

12 March 2020 by Laura Kelly

What is the best sentence length for SEO?

Why is sentence length so important for readability and SEO? How can you write the best and most effective sentences to keep searchers reading? 

28 February 2020 by Laura Kelly