Have you ever finished a book or TV show feeling like there's more story to be told? That lingering "what if" or burning desire to see a different side of a character. That's the magic of fandom.

Fanfiction takes that passion and allows you to delve deeper into the worlds you love, crafting your narratives with the characters you know and adore. But beyond the pure joy of exploring beloved universes, fanfiction can be a potent secret weapon for aspiring writers.

A creative playground

The lifeblood of good writing is consistent practice. Fanfiction provides a low-pressure environment to hone your craft. With original fiction, you need to build entire worlds from scratch meticulously. Fanfiction offers a pre-established setting and cast of characters. This frees you to focus on the core elements of storytelling:

  • Plot development
  • Dialogue
  • Narrative flow

You can experiment with different pacing techniques. You can try your hand at building suspense. Or explore the nuances of character relationships.

Unusual pairings offer an opportunity to be even more creative. Where can the characters find common ground? This is a great exercise in exploring subtle aspects of characters. This is great practice for creating your own.

An exercise in style

Mastering another writer's style takes time. Initially, your attempts might feel like mere imitations. But persevere! Study the original. Then compare it to others' interpretations. You'll gain a deeper insight into the stylistic choices involved. This practice has a long history. Think Byzantine scholars honing their rhetoric. They did this by mimicking famous authors and orators.

For fanfiction writers, emulating styles can be especially enriching. It expands your vocabulary of what constitutes style itself. It teaches why certain writing resonates with readers and the mechanics behind those effects. Ultimately, this exploration strengthens your voice and stylistic command.

The characters’ inner worlds

One of the greatest strengths of fanfiction is the deep dive it allows. We can delve into the hearts and minds of established characters. By looking into their motivations, fears, and relationships, you gain a strong grasp of how characters tick.

You learn how their personalities influence their actions. How their backstories shape their decisions. This translates into your original work. Imagine crafting a protagonist. You're equipped with the internal conflict and depth from exploring your favourite character in a fanfic.

Endless possibilities

The beauty of fanfiction lies in its vastness. The choices really are endless. You could even do crossovers with different works. This flexibility allows you to experiment. Work with different voices, genres, and storytelling techniques.

You can try writing in the first person for the first time. Or dabble in a historical setting you're curious about. This is termed an ‘AU’ - Alternative Universe. This playful exploration helps you discover your writing style. The voice that feels most natural and authentic to you.

Get feedback in a safe environment

The online fanfiction community is a welcoming and safe space for writers. It’s teeming with passionate readers who are happy to give invaluable and encouraging feedback on your work. Platforms like AO3 (Archive of Our Own) and Wattpad provide a platform to share your stories and connect with like-minded individuals.

Constructive criticism is essential for growth. But the big world of publishing might seem intimidating if you’re starting out. The engaged readers in these communities can help you identify areas for improvement, point out plot inconsistencies, or highlight dialogue that falls flat. There's a wealth of knowledge and experience waiting to be tapped into. The supportive nature of these communities can be incredibly motivating.

Build your confidence

As mentioned, putting your work out there can be daunting. Fanfiction offers a safe space to do just that. As you receive positive feedback and see your reader base grow, your confidence as a writer flourishes.

This newfound confidence is crucial when venturing into original fiction. You’ll get a real boost when you tackle your first original novel armed with experience. You've already faced the fear of sharing your work and honed your skills through fanfiction.

Tools to elevate your fanfic

The core benefits of practising fanfic lie in the community itself and the simple act of writing. It’s the pure joy of creating and extending your fan experience. But if you’re proofing your work, several tools can help you make your writing sharper.

For example, something that instantly elevates a fanfic is excellent spelling and grammar. While the community isn’t perfectionistic, sometimes glaring mistakes can ruin one’s immersion.

Readable will help you easily spot those mistakes. Not only that, but it has a hotspot system where you can navigate to areas of your work with the most writing issues. These span from spelling and grammar to long, winding sentences and difficult words.

Running your fic through Readable ensures your work is polished and error-free. The readability tools will help you craft snappy sentences that will have your reader hanging on your every word.

Apollopad is also a haven for writers. It’s a feature-packed online writing environment that will help you finish your novels, ebooks and short stories. Piece together your story with the project outline system. Using the corkboard approach works so well for so many people. You can add new documents, edit synopses, drag and drop to rearrange your work and more. This level of organised planning can lead to richer, more nuanced stories.

Laura Kelly

Laura is a freelance writer and worked at Readable for a number of years. Laura is well-versed in optimising content for readability and Readable's suite of tools. She aims to write guides that help you make the most out of Readable.