Top four metaphors of everyday English

If this topic seems unclear to you, allow me to shed some light. You may see metaphors as literary devices, but in fact, our everyday language is full of them, and they are among the keys to speaking English like a native or just enjoying the play of our language.

21 July 2017 by Dave Child

The five lost letters of the English language

Most of us know the English alphabet backwards and forwards. We learned our letters as children and we forever have the ear-worm of the alphabet song stuck in our heads, but did you know that there were actually a few letters that didn’t quite make the cut for our modern alphabet? After Christianity took over […]

2 April 2017 by Dave Child

Inspire your way out of writer’s block

Every writer will at some point be faced with writer’s block. So, how can you tempt inspiration out of the shadows and words onto the page?

24 February 2017 by Ruth Colmer